
Godly Woman Daily Calendar - December 2013 - Printable Version

★ Verse of the day - Psalm 46:1-3

★ Verse of the day - James 1:5-6

★ Verse of the day - John 15:4,5, 7-10

★ Verse of the day - Isaiah 30:15

★ Verse of the day - Psalm 62:1-2

★ Verse of the day - Jeremiah 29:13

★ Verse of the day - Psalm 34:10

★ Verse of the day - Romans 8:28

★ Verse of the day - psalm 145:18-19

★ Verse of the day - Jeremiah 32:17

★ Verse of the day - Matthew 11:28-31

★ Verse of the day - Isaiah:1-3

★ Verse of the day - Philippians 4:6-8

★ Verse of the day - Romans 8:31,35,37-39

★ Verse of the day - Isaiah 41:10

★ Verse of the day - Psalm 103:2-5

★ Verse of the day - John 14:27

★ Verse of the day - Jeremiah 16:19

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