When 'Selfishness' Is Wisdom

When 'Selfishness' Is Wisdom -  Steve Wickham

This article is all about people-pleasing.
I am, by nature and personality, a people-pleaser. It's something I've grown to accept about myself. Therefore, this advice I take personally.
There is both a blessing and a curse involved in people-pleasing.
On the one hand, we serve people with a diligent desire to meet their need in love - the blessing. But on the other hand, we find we are driven by other people's agendas more often than we should be - the curse. In people-pleasing we are submissive by nature.
Submissiveness, in certain ways, is blessed, whilst in other ways, it's cursed.
Some people submit 'to God alone', but they may not rationalise that submitting to God alone often means submitting within our relationships. Submission is a touchy subject. It is so situationally dependent; our only aid is discernment.
Now, there are times when submitting is not wise. That is the purpose of this article.
I know of a footballer, who, at a young age, had stress fractures in the foot. He required rest as part of his rehabilitation program. But his peer group was an active one. He loved to exercise with them. The trouble was much of this exercise required the use of his feet. Occasionally he would aggravate the injury and this set his rehabilitation back.
He submitted both to the peer pressure and his own desires to exercise. But it wasn't wise. In submitting, there was detriment caused to him.
But this young guy became very disciplined. He decided he couldn't reach his goals if he continued to engage in exercise irresponsibly. He had to be a steward of his own body.
He thought about how he would respond to offers to become engaged in exercise unrelated to his rehabilitation. He planned to prompt himself to make an assertive response: "No, sorry, but I really need to focus on getting this foot right; please, keep me in mind for the future, in case, at the right time, I can join with you guys again - but I won't now."
It was an assertive response. Also, words such as "need" and "won't" (underlined above) are better than "want" and "can't" in the same context.
But such a response can also be deemed by some others as selfish. Well, this is where the lines blur. What, for some, is selfish is wisdom to others. Indeed, to caring others assertiveness - taking responsibility for one's own body - is the desired attitude.

© Copyright 2008, Steven John Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). He is also has training and leadership Diplomas. His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve's key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us. An advocate for a fair and just life, Steve implements wisdom strategies to his life through a passion for Proverbial wisdom. His highest goal is doing God's will, in enhancing his life, and the lives of others. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Wickham  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1102931

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