Christians - How to Handle Skeptics

Christians - How to Handle Skeptics - By Donna L Young

Have you ever found yourself acting defensive when asked to stand up for your Christian faith? I have and I know how unnerving this feeling is. There were even times in the past, when I would hear myself begin to pray, "Lord, please make this person walk away." These days, however, I am at peace when asked about my faith and have found some effective tools in handling skeptics. They are:
Examine Your Own Heart
It took a personal crisis for me to understand that my defensiveness stemmed from feelings of insecurity and shame. After careful examination of my own heart, I was able to see why, in the past, I had a difficult time in dealing with skeptics. Deep down, I knew I was a hypocrite. How could I share Christianity with others, when I wasn't living a Christian life? After I began to live a more godly life, sharing my faith with skeptics was effortless. I found that I couldn't wait to share my transformed heart with even the most cynical disbeliever.
Tell others Your Personal Story
I noticed right away the effect of telling my personal testimony to skeptics. They didn't argue with my story. Instead, skeptics tended to stop what they were doing and physically lean in to hear the ending of my story. I was able to grab their attention within the first few lines, usually after I said, "But then, went to jail instead."
In fact, I often times found myself amazed when God used my personal story to reach the heart of a skeptic. In one case, telling my personal testimony provided hope to a homeless man, who two years later, walked into my church and sat directly in front of me. In another case, telling my personal testimony to a disbeliever who was filled with pride, amazingly brought humility, to both of us. And, on many occasions, while simply talking about the changes God had made in me, I watched how the confused were finally able to find direction.
Remain Humble
After surrendering to Christ, I began to see skeptics in a new light. I came to believe that most skeptics are simply struggling with questions about what the bible has to offer when pain, suffering and confusion have taken over their heart.
I started to see each conversation with a disbeliever as an opportunity to plant a seed and provide hope. In each conversation, I admitted my faults and focused on myself and not on the other person's problems. I tried to remember that, we are all sinners. Amazingly, by simply remaining humble, skeptics seemed to want to hear more.
And, be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit
Finally, I have learned to be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit. As a result, I have been pleasantly surprised at how many times I have heard a skeptic say, "I don't think meeting you today was an accident." Today, when someone approaches me who clearly has doubts about Jesus Christ, I simply listen to prompts of the Holy Spirit and speak from the heart. Sometimes, I find myself there just to listen and offer compassion and mercy. To my surprise, each time I humbly share my faith, I watch as the Holy Spirit takes over my words and reaches the heart of a skeptic.
Donna L. Young has a Masters Degree in Theological Studies from Liberty University and is the author of Apologies from a Repentant Christian. To read more about this author go to: http://dlouyoung.blogspot.comArticle Source:
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