Keep Your Marriage ALIVE - Tips to Make Your Marriage Last

Keep Your Marriage ALIVE - Tips to Make Your Marriage Last - Part 1 of 2 - By Dawgelene Sangster

What happens when you have been married for a while, the honeymoon is over, and the reality of living the married life has kicked in? Don't you know that your Children, career, ministry, family, in-laws, education and self all affect how you interact with your spouse?   You have committed to spend the remainder of your life with your spouse until death due you apart, but are you committed to make your marriage last? You both work, you have individual interests, family commitments, and then you need time for each other. How do you balance it all out? 
Your spouse is there to be your soul mate and you were meant to be together. The love that you both share is supposed to be unconditional love. You both have your own individual interests, but you also have each other. It was all a part of the awesome plan of God for you to remain faithfully married and continue to work towards making your marriage succeed. In order for you to do this, you need a plan to ensure that things outside of our marriage, do not affect the productivity of your marriage.  
This is part 1 of a 2 part series on tips you can use to KEEP YOUR MARRIAGE ALIVE!  
1- Daily Prayer Pray together daily for your marriage, family and time together. Start your day putting God first and then you can focus on the things that He desires for you to accomplish in your marriage. 
2- Communication Communicate everyday with each other. Whether it is related to bills, children, spending time together, cracking jokes or talking seriously, you should keep in constant communication with your spouse. It doesn't matter if you talk in person or on the phone; ensure you communicate with each other every day.  
3- Get Physical It's important to note that all contact does not have to involve sex. Make it a point not to leave the house or return home without kissing each other. Touch your spouse when passing in the house; give a tap on the shoulder, a shoulder rub, a scalp massage or a lower back rub. It's important to have that contact with your mate.  
4- Compassion Nothing is worse than your spouse telling you something important to them and you showing a lack of concern. When you are communicating with your spouse, it's important to give them your full attention, so they will know that you have genuine concern regarding what they are telling you. When have you given your spouse your undivided attention recently?  
Read part 2 of this article for more tips on KEEPING YOUR MARRIAGE ALIVE!

Keep Your Marriage Alive - Tips to Make Your Marriage Last (Part 2 of 2) Dawgelene Sangster

What happens when you have been married for a while, the honeymoon is over, and the reality of living the married life has kicked in? You have committed to spend the remainder of your life with your spouse until death due you apart, but are you committed to make your marriage last?
This is part 2 of a 2 part series on tips you can use to KEEP YOUR MARRIAGE ALIVE!
Make it a point to be honest with each other. Work through your issues with an open and honest heart. Colossians 3:9 say "Lie not one to another, since you have put off the old man with the new man, who is in Christ Jesus." Even if it is uncomfortable talking about certain things, pray and seek God for guidance on how to deliver your message of honesty to your spouse.
Daily Love
Telling someone you love them is one thing, but your action will tell them otherwise. Make it a point to show your love for your spouse every day. Call them, text them, send them an email, write them a letter, send them an e-card, fix dinner, take them to lunch, buy a rose, buy cologne, buy dinner, buy chocolates or take them to a movie. However you choose to show love where your spouse will know it, SHOW IT!!! It is not always about satisfying our own individual interests, but we should address their interests as well.
Keep it fresh
When you married your spouse, you loved something about them so much that you chose to live the rest of your life with them. It was something so special about you, that they constantly talked about it to their friends. What was it? Was it your hair length or color? Was it the clothes you wore? Was it your size or the way you walked by them? Was it the way you talked softly or smiled at them? Reflect on when you first married and what you both liked so much about each other, and then try to rekindle some of that vigor in your marriage today. If it wasn't the best of times when you first married, then work together to create special moments that you can cherish forever moving forward.
We all get older, but you can still wear a sexy dress for him, wear her favorite shirt, wear his favorite perfume, wear her favorite cologne or take time to go for a stroll. Whatever it is, pray about it and then do it to save your marriage!
Remember this, from the beginning of time, God meant for us to have marriages that would last and stand the test of time. Your marriage should be a blessing to other couples that might be struggling in their marriage. Glorify God by glorifying your marriage in all situations. Keep it alive and do what it takes to MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE LAST!
for the first set of tips, read part 1 of this series.
copyright (c) 2008 Dawgelene Sangster Article Source: Part 1: Article Source: Part 2: Article Source: