God, When There's Much More to See

God, When There's Much More to See - Steve Wickham

"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains." ~Anne Frank
We can praise God for the experiences of the stoically blessed through such a dastardly thing, even, as war. In loss, in hardship, in pain, and in numbed nothingness, there is more to see - with God, through Jesus Christ.
We can combine the worst of events with the Presence of God and come through the present moment knowing that God is with us through the beauty that still remains.
We can attach meaning in the course of cursing, that God still wants the best for us despite the agency of tremulous, sobbing discontent.
When God is 'with' us, as is always the case, but when we realise it with renewed purpose, we tend to see more than what we would normally see. Such a thing as God's Presence is a shimmering reality on an otherwise bleak canvas. It makes up for the solemn depth of our sullen mood.
As soon as we realise there is the possibility to see more than we are seeing, when we need it, we attempt to see more, and in that we express faith, believing that God can provide more to see.
This sense of faith provides us, in Being of God's resplendence, with what we need in that moment. And God comes through in the strangest of bizarre ways. We are shown what we ordinarily would not see. The gates of glory are opened to us in the simplicity of everyday things.
Suddenly everyday things take on the magnificence of eternity.
We are seeing afresh. Our sight has been renewed; now complete with the spiritual blessing of the sense of and for God. Now we truly know God exists in us, within us, and all about us - to the unique specificity of our need.
We observe evidence everywhere.
What opened the door to this spiritualised sense of sight was the raw faith to believe beyond sight. And the catalyst, the ignition point, to such faith is what we typically call the presence of cursing. In this we can see that what we normally call cursed actually opens the blessed door of true spiritual sight; the glory of God in the everyday.
We can combine the worst of events with the Presence of God and come through the present moment knowing that God is with us through the beauty that still remains.
God shows us more when we need to see more, when we are prepared to open our hearts to see. Such sight requires faith, and faith will convert cursing into blessing, through the power and Presence of God.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham. Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner and holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/ Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Wickham  Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7492037