Understanding the Fruits of the Spirit - Gentleness

Understanding the Fruits of the Spirit - Gentleness - By Donna L Young

As a Christian, what does it mean to walk in the Spirit and exhibit gentleness?
I was never a gentle person, though I told others I was a Christian. In the business world, I was known as a woman who would "Get the job done." Usually, this meant I had to bully and manipulate others, and I had no problem acting this way. However, through a crisis in my marriage, I surrendered my life to Christ. As a result, God has calmed my soul and through His Holy Spirit, has taught me to exhibit gentleness and self-control.
A Perfect Example
One day while driving my youngest son to the local coffee house for a treat of hot chocolate, a man in a large white, work truck, cut me off. He appeared in a great hurry. As my car rolled to the upcoming stop sign, I felt the adrenaline begin to rush through my veins along with the fear that caused it. Rather than cause trouble as I would have before, this time, I remained at the stop sign for moment and prayed. A feeling of peace and gentleness came over me. Within an instant, a desire to mirror God's peace to this hurried man entered my heart. I looked around for the work truck, but the man had raced past the stop and was nowhere to be found.
So, I continued on my way towards the local coffee house. As God would have it, when I glanced up at the truck before me in the drive-through, it was the same man! I told my youngest son what I was going to do, got out of my car, then went to this stranger's window and explained, "Sir, I am Donna. You just cut me off back there. It seems like you are having a rough morning already. Can I buy your cup of coffee today?"
What was the outcome?
The man's eyes became really big before he politely refused and dropped his head. When he drove up to the window to pay for his order, he was extremely polite and soft spoken to the employee. I thanked God for transforming my heart as I watched the man drive away slowly.
What happened to my personality when I continued to call upon the Holy Spirit to calm my soul?
Each time the Holy Spirit bestowed gentleness on me to reach others, my own soul responded. Within the next year's time, I noticed a great change in me. I no longer desired to bully others to get ahead and my heart filled with compassion and mercy. I even quit working in the corporate world and began to write for the Lord. Surely, gentleness has found its way into my personality and my heart.
Donna L. Young graduated from Liberty Baptist University with a Masters Degree in Theological Studies and is the Author of the book "Apologies from a Repentant Christian." To learn more about this author, please visit: http://dlouyoung.blogspot.comArticle Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donna_L_Young Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6222870

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